This video provides an overview of The Government Accountability Office (GAO) goals and operations, inclu ...
Overview of the Government Accountability Office
Overview of the Government Accountability Office
Toys made from amalgam Banned, but not dental fillings
Toys made from amalgam Banned, but not dental fillings
Book Review: Toxic Dentistry Exposed
Book Review: Toxic Dentistry Exposed
UNEP publication: Mercury – A Priority For Action
UNEP publication: Mercury – A Priority For Action
Causes of Dental Mercury Amalgam Failure
Causes of Dental Mercury Amalgam Failure
Glass-Ionomer Cement: A cost-effective, mercury-free, aesthetic tooth restoration.
Glass-Ionomer Cement: A cost-effective, mercury-free, aesthetic tooth restoration.
Documentary Filmmaker Kelly G. releases 2 new short films on dental mercury.
Documentary Filmmaker Kelly G. releases 2 new short films on dental mercury.
FDA is Required by NEPA to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
FDA is Required by NEPA to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
Dental Amalgam is an Implant that Must be in Class III
Dental Amalgam is an Implant that Must be in Class III
Other Adverse Effects
Other Adverse Effects