Research has linked mercury from fillings to periodontal disease, inflammation, and boneloss. In addition, research has linked mercury to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM.)[82]
Snapp in 1981 carefully removed mercury/silver implants and his experimental subjects experienced a dramatic 90% decline in blood mercury to 10% of baseline.[83] The only logical conclusion is that their mercury/silver implants contributed substantially to their blood mercury. Snapp found a dramatic decline in blood mercury while Molin caused a dramatic increase followed by a slow drop in blood mercury over the next 12 months to 50% of baseline.[84] [85]The petitioners criticized the careless approach to mercury removal so when she repeated her study she provided adequate protections and confirmed Snapp’s earlier finding.[86]
Other adverse health effects associated with mercury exposure are well-documented. Professor Matts Berlin, the World Health Organization’s leading expert on the risks of mercury,recently concluded that: [div3 class=”quote” class2=”quote-l” class3=”quote-r”] “Regarding the risk for retardation of brain development it is not according to science and standard of care to place amalgam fillings in children and fertile women.”[/div3]
Furthermore, there is no question that implanting mercury in teeth saturates jawbone and results in bone loss, produces inflammation and periodontal breakdown.[87] [88] [89] [90] [91][92] Thus, as early as 1973, it was apparent that the presence of dental mercury-amalgam resulted in chronic inflammation and bleeding in the gingival tissue adjacent to it; in other words, in situamalgam produced chronic gingivitis.[93]
In 1984, the year of the NIDR/ADA Workshop, Fisher et al.,[94] reported that at amalgam sites alveolar bone loss was very pronounced and statistically significant as compared to control non-amalgam sites. In other words, in situ amalgam produces chronic periodontitis. Periodontal disease is the principle reason for two-thirds of adult tooth loss in the U.S. and mercury from toothrestorations contributes substantially to this common disease.
In 1995, an important review article summarizing some of the scientific documentation concerning dental amalgam was published in the highly prestigious scientific publication, the FASEB Journal. The authors detailed the scientific data and conclusions from scores of peer reviewed articles documenting the deleterious effects of mercury vapor on the immune, renal, reproductive, and central nervous systems. The authors noted that
In their conclusion, the authors admonished that: