Karen Burns, Mercury Poisoned Dental Assistant – 2010 FDA Testimony
Karen Burns – Dental Assistant from NJ
“Seems like every dime I have has gone to doctors to try to get this mercury from my body.”
I am going to keep this short and sweet, given the fact that we have 3 minutes to deliver our testimonies.The FDA needs help as many of you have heard in the news, the Vioxx incident. Avandia, I heard that was bad four years ago, yet they just took it off the market recently.
I am not going to go over all my conditions, you have heard them over and over by others who have testified. We are all sick, with the same conditions.
Today I want to speak to the panel and urge them to help the FDA do their job. I testified at the FDA hearing in 2006. I watched the FDA panel vote 13-7, based on the fact that they could not prove amalgam was safe. I don’t know what happened after that. It seems like they didn’t do anything except make claims of safety without proof.
I lost my job due to disability seven years ago, I have two kids in school. Seems like every dime I have has gone to doctors to try to get this mercury from my body.The public has a right to know about the mercury in amalgam fillings. A lot is talked about labeling and wording yet a patient never sees the label. I never saw the label as a dental assistant.
“The public has a right to know about the mercury in amalgam fillings.”
In 2009 when the FDA had the nerve to take down their warning, [off the FDA website, editor’s comment] Dr. Susan Runner lied to the press and said that the FDA has only received 141 adverse reaction reports. She told me she didn’t tell the press, which was a lie. They had it in quotation marks! I asked her what happened to 2,000 reports they had in 2006. She said that she considers all of them when making decisions. I think the only one she considers is herself. I heard she was fearful of losing her job. She better hope that she doesn’t get sick like I did and so many other dental workers. Not only will she lose her job, she will lose her life as she knows it.
In closing, I ask again, help the FDA do the job that they are paid to do and ban amalgam fillings for the safety of the patients and all the people who work in dental offices. We only hear some of the stories. If people were tested for heavy metals during routine visits to their doctors, a lot more would know they have heavy metal toxicity, which is linked to so many illnesses.