Links to my Freedom of Information requests (with documentation) revealing NHS/DH lies designed to prevent victims getting honest diagnosis and treatment, and thereby covering-up the dental amalgam catastrophe
Chief Dental Officer denying even the most basic facts about amalgam poisoning:
“Distinguished expert” Allister Vale unable to defend his prescribing of two tests well-known to be useless quackery:
Whopping falsehood from BSMHFT akin to “birds are highly unlikely to have wings”:
Whopping falsehood that dentists have competence in mercury diagnosis whereas GPs don’t:
Link to scan of the Chief Exec Denise McLellan’s letter affirming that ridiculous falsehood and also deceitfully slimily labelling Dr Gini’s TELLING me to go to a dentist as “refer” to a dentist, when the one thing I could never get any of these GPs to do was actually provide exactly that, a referral to a dentist.
NHS avoidance of use of the cheap easy and instant mercury vapour measurements to determine the intake of toxin.
Department of Health defend their lies about amalgam by quoting from supposedly World Health Organisation 2009 report, while failing to mention it was retracted by WHO eight months earlier for being fraudulent deceit.
And there’s a lot more I’ve found out, a lot more….