Dr. Rich Chanin DMD Discusses Biological Dentistry and Patients Health Improvements After Removing Amalgam Fillings

joe-babaDr. Rich Chanin DMD discusses patients health improvements he has observed after removing amalgam fillings from their mouths.

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  1. x4barry@aol.com'
    candis bynoe

    dear Dr Chanin i have been very sick to the point that Im now also loosing my memory. i believe its due to the 13 amalgam fillings in my mouth from age 17 I am now age 53. of course doctors are saying it fibromyalgia and possibly something else, but not sure what else it could be as they say “too many symptoms.
    dentist here in Florida laugh at the idea when i tell them i think its my fillings and of course my dental insurance would not pay for removal because its cosmetic and also because they say there’s no real proof to prove toxicity. I have not worked in over 3 yrs and and now get disability but i cannot afford to remove the dental filings – my dental insurance would not cover the removal its going to cost me over $4000.00 just to remove them and them about the same or more amount to replace with white fillings. i already have eight teeth missing and can not afford to loose anymore but already on the way now to loose another one that already fill with mercury. Can u please suggest a way. i do not have a problem paying something towards my dental costs I just cant afford anything unless its on a payment cash plan over a period of time. i need help i need to stop being sick.

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