The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology hired John Rowe of Capitol Strategy Consultants ...
Report to the IAOMT on the Congressional Hearing “Assessing State and Local Regulations to Reduce Dental Mercury Emissions”
Report to the IAOMT on the Congressional Hearing “Assessing State and Local Regulations to Reduce Dental Mercury Emissions”
Institute of Medicine Panel says FDA’s medical device review system ‘flawed’
Institute of Medicine Panel says FDA’s medical device review system ‘flawed’
Overview of the Government Accountability Office
Overview of the Government Accountability Office
2010 Assessing EPA’s Efforts to Measure and Reduce Mercury Pollution from Dentist Offices
2010 Assessing EPA’s Efforts to Measure and Reduce Mercury Pollution from Dentist Offices
2008 Reducing Dental Mercury Emissions:Installing Amalgam Separators and Achieving Compliance
2008 Reducing Dental Mercury Emissions:Installing Amalgam Separators and Achieving Compliance
2008 Assessing State and Local Regulations to Reduce Dental Mercury Emissions
2008 Assessing State and Local Regulations to Reduce Dental Mercury Emissions
2007 Environmental Risks of and Regulatory Response to Mercury Dental Fillings
2007 Environmental Risks of and Regulatory Response to Mercury Dental Fillings
2004 Truth Revealed: New Scientific Discoveries Regarding Mercury in Medicine and Autism
2004 Truth Revealed: New Scientific Discoveries Regarding Mercury in Medicine and Autism
2004 California’s Compliance with Dental Amalgam Disclosure Policies
2004 California’s Compliance with Dental Amalgam Disclosure Policies
2003 The Environmental Impact of Mercury Containing Dental Amalgams
2003 The Environmental Impact of Mercury Containing Dental Amalgams