Upcoming Documentary: Mercury Undercover


Mercury Undercover exposes the cause and effect of the well-hidden evidence of mercury contamination as seen through the eyes of doctors,scientists, environmental experts and mercury-poisoned survivors. It is a gripping tale that will make you think twice before you eat your next catch-of-the-day or plan your next visit to the dentist’s office. We’ll hear from experts, doctors, scientists and mercury poisoning survivors. To learn more about this informative documentary visit www.mercuryundercover.com




Mercury Undercover is a soon to be doc-film that consists of four acts which traces the narrator illustrating how one can become mercury toxic. In the course of this quest, we’ll hear from experts, doctors, scientists and mercury poisoned survivors. Each act will explain different details about how one can become exposed to mercury. Our goal is to create a time line that shows how our enviornment gets contaminated from industrial plants and results in polluting the air and rain thus poisoning people, wildlife and seafood and from vaccinations, flu shots and mercury amalgam fillings.

Mercury Undercover Info

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